
If you would like a signed copy of 'The Challenge of Sea Fishing', please feel free to use the PayPal link to order one. At the moment it is on sale at £12.99, including postage and packaging. It is also available to buy from Brixham Bait & Tackle, Euro Angling, Tidal Tackle and Torbay Bookshop.
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Link to Amazon site retailing Kindle e-book 'The Challenge of Sea Fishing'
'The perfect book for any angler looking to explore what sea fishing has to offer. In this practical and informative guide author Lindsey Green explains the fun of adopting his light-tackle approach.'
Issue 513, Review:
 'The Challenge of Sea Fishing'
Link to Fly Fishing - The Tug on the Line
Angling on Prescription
(All of my reviews are freely offered on Google by genuine clients.)
Over the years, I have had several books and lots of articles published in different magazines including, very recently, Sea Angler. (To say I was chuffed when my first two articles appeared in March 2024 edition of Sea Angler was putting it mildly!)

When Kindle came along, I saw it as a great way for people to discover more about fishing at a price that was really affordable. I therefore wrote 'The Challenge of Sea Fishing', 'The Challenge of Inshore Boat Fishing' and 'Why Sea Fishing with Lighter Tackle Rocks' to share my light tackle approach with anyone who wants to squeeze the maximum enjoyment possible from the sport of sea angling. I then added smaller, less expensive titles to the range.

Now I have added a tridiscipline (coarse, game and sea fishing) book on fly fishing. Entitled 'Fly Fishing - The Tug on the Line' it is my hope that it will be useful to anyone wanting to try something different. I have also added a second tridiscipline book entitled 'Make Fishing Fun - Tips, Trips, Technique and Tackle'. This is the starter book that gives a taste across all the disciplines so, as it is bigger, it will be a little more expensive than the rest of the books in the series to come. (It is my intention to write a series of smaller books to compliment the first book.) I have already started work on 'Make Fishing Fun - Summer and Sea Fishing Strategies.'
Link to Kindle Version 'Why Sea Fishing with Lighter Tackle Rocks'

Click on the links to reach the titles shown. (Ebook and paperback versions)

Five easy steps to better beach fishing
The Angling Trust asked me to write a book which was aimed at anglers who had been fishing for a little while but who were still in their early days. I was not to treat them as complete beginners but to give them enough information to advance to, let's say, an intermediate level. Basically, I was not to aim to take them on to become expert anglers but I was to give people, who were not beginners, a leg up to the next level.
'I moved to Devon about 18 months ago having taken early retirement, the plan being to get into fishing properly. I have been fishing on and off since I was a teenager, sadly more off than on because of jobs and work. This book covered everything I have been trying since arriving (LRF, HRF, beach fishing with lighter rods) and more. And, as the book title states - it rocks. Far more fun than banging weights out using a big beachcaster and multiplier. It is also far more productive: I have caught more in the last 18 months than I caught in the previous 40 years! An excellent, easy to read and informative book that is worth far more than the couple of pounds being charged for it. Anybody wanting to inject a bit more fun into their fishing should read it.'
Five Easy Steps to Better Beach Fishing

An ideal book for me and others who are attempting to become sea anglers. Excellent value.

September 14, 2021
Customer Review: John King
Rest in peace, Julie. You are very much missed.
I love fly fishing, as did my beloved late wife Julie, and, in this book, I share both my enjoyment and my ideas in a tridiscipline approach to the subject. There's a bit of fly tying and a bit on sea, coarse and game fishing.

It hasn't had any reviews on Kindle, so I can't borrow text from my author's page, but I do hope that the people who have read it, enjoyed it. At the moment, it has had one five star rating, which is a good sign.
The Challenge of Inshore Boat Fishing
The Challenge of Inshore Boat Fishing, 2018 Edition

Brilliant lay out
Michael Head, April 29, 2019

This book is very informative with easy to follow diagrams and instructions, highly recommend
Make Fishing Fun - Tips, Trips, Techniques and Tackle Four Easy Steps to Better Float Fishing
In 'Four Easy Steps to Better Float Fishing', Lindsey Green takes the cast in stone rule book about float fishing in the sea and rips it to shreds, sharing ideas about rigs, bait, location and the fish themselves that will shake up many people's attitudes to this exciting style of sea fishing. In it, he demonstrates how there are a surprising number of species that can be caught on float and details exactly how to go about it. In his own words:

'The idea behind this book was to provide enough food for thought for people to experiment with different rigs, baits, methods and locations to start catching more species on float than was previously the case.'
This title hasn't had any reviews on Kindle, so I can't borrow text from my author's page, but I do hope that the people who have read it, enjoyed it. At the moment, it has had one five star rating though, which is a good sign.
As a lifelong angler, I have always been fascinated by the fish that swim in our waters, starting with the sea and then, as my angling career developed, adding both game and coarse fishing to the mix. At first, I used the same tackle that everybody else was using but then, as I got older, I found myself turning more and more to the lighter side of our sport. It was just so much more rewarding. Instead of dragging in fish on tackle so heavy that they could barely flip their tails in protest, I found that actually, given equipment that would allow them to show what they were really capable of, the fishing available was absolutely transformed.

The level of sport rose. The fights were better, the catches greater and the level of challenge significantly enhanced. Instead of the pedestrian tackle that most people were using, I turned my attention to refining what I had to gain the maximum enjoyment from the precious time that I spent fishing. It was a lot more fun and it became an approach that I wanted to share with others, which I have done in this latest book. Hopefully, it will help people to really enjoy their fishing, especially when I add more books to the series.
Angling on Prescription
Three other published books - 'The Challenge of Shore Angling', 'The Challenge of Wreck Fishing' and 'The Challenge of Light Tackle' - are out of print.
Just Released
Guided fishing trips by Martyn Green, Angling Trust Level 2 Tridiscipline (Sea, Coarse and Fly Fishing) Coach, Coach Educator and author of 'The Challenge ...' series of sea fishing books, etc.
Angling Trust - Event Support Coach (Internet) and L2 Angling Coach Courses in Brixham
Devon Fishing Guides - 07704 602180 - Page Header and Logo
Mobile: 07704 602180
Plymouth Fishing & Seafood Association - Link to Page